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Years of experience

​Welcome to my website! I am Wael Mohammed Al-Qadi, an IT consultant with extensive experience in business and technology project management, in addition to my career in computer science and business administration. I have trained thousands of trainees on digital transformation projects and provided valuable advice to entrepreneurs.

صورة شخصية لدكتور وائل القاضي

I am Wael Mohammed Al-Qadi, a technical manager and business developer, who holds a Master's degree in Information Technology from Yontar International University in Malaysia. I have over 17 years of experience in this field, having worked with SMEs and large corporations, transforming their business into a digital environment.

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​In recent years, the Kingdom has witnessed a major transformation in technology and business, as it has become a global center for innovation and digital transformation

This is thanks to the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, which focuses on investing in modern technologies and building a knowledge society

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My practical journey with technology

I studied middle and high school and obtained my first specialized degree, a diploma in information technology, in 2002

This is where my practical journey with technology began. At first, I worked independently, developing call center systems, school systems, and delegate plan follow-up systems, which gained me practical and administrative experience.

In 2007, I started working with the company Final Solutions for the computer business, where she progressed in several positions, starting with ERP Systems Engineer, then Certified Systems Trainer, then Systems Executive Consultant, then Customer Service Manager, then Sales and Marketing Manager, and finally Branch Manager

During my career with the company, I have more than 17 years of experience in the field of specialized financial, administrative, commercial and industrial systems. I have also been involved in the development and implementation of many successful technical projects, which has gained me valuable practical experience in project management and team leadership.

One of my tasks is to contribute to transforming companies from traditional work to digital, I also qualified and trained thousands of financiers and executives to deal with ERP systems, provided hundreds of studies and consultations for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, implemented and contributed to many cloud projects

In 2017, I was assigned to establish a branch of the company in Madinah and was then appointed as the branch manager. Here, I have succeeded in time management and the development and qualification of employees

I started studying for a doctorate, in cloud information technology management, thank God, I now have many different technical courses from programming, networks, server management, databases, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, data analysis, building indicators, and many administrative courses approved by different parties

Among community services, we contributed to building an academic platform in cooperation with Arab and Asian universities to qualify students and graduates to use financial, administrative and specialized systems, in cooperation with Taibah University, um Al-Qura University, Prince Nourah University and others. The number of graduates reached 32,000 and built 3,125 courses

So I can say that what distinguishes me is that I have practical experience equivalent to my life span and I have practical experience coming from the needs of the labor market

​I will work to harness my professional experience to build innovative technical projects. These projects will be linked to many technical services

Which will lead to a technical and innovative revolution

I am also keen to transfer, improve, and qualify small traders, productive families, and graduates to become entrepreneurs

Step by step, goal by goal, I will take you as far as you can go

​Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

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